
19.07 milwaukee and chicago


i’m pleased to let you know that i’ll be performing a couple shows this summer after visiting a very special lake up north in wisconsin where my mother wanted her ashes spread.

i had hoped to have a new cd ready for release in time, but it wasn’t meant to be.  more on that later.  in the interest of contextualizing what i’m up to for these shows, my friends encouraged me to write a little blurb:

Over the past four years, I’ve been inspired by the movement of bird flocks to explore the relationship between chaos and order in nature. Once the musical environments have been developed, without any traditional sequenced patterns, the goal has been to react to that intentional volatility and explore the permutations of perceived order within the chaos.

There’s also an intent to deal with restraint as a reaction to the frequent excess in electronic music in a variety of ways. My reaction to the excess of sound means that about three-fourths of the set is comprised of a 2 second sample of 32 single cycle waveforms. The other quarter of raw sound is a handful of hi-hat samples and one kick drum sample. The restraint is also a reaction to the commodification and fetishization of gear within electronic music. This often leads to shallow exploration. Because of that I wanted to focus on a single complex, but compact, tool.